Don’t drain your finances when hiring an annulment lawyer.
Manila's Premiere Family Lawyers
With You Every Step of the Way


Not ready for annulment of marriage?
Legal separation might be right for you.
Some people want to file for annulment of marriage right away once they decide the marriage is no longer working. Other people need more time, in those situations filing for a legal separation may be the best option. Legal separation is also an option for parties who want an annulment of marriage but are avoiding it for health insurance, tax, or religious purposes.
Our Client Process
All new clients receive a free case evaluation with our team to help them understand their legal issues and to determine if we are right for each other.
During the consultation the client and attorney develop a roadmap for the successful resolution of the case.
The entire case is handled with an extreme focus on the client’s needs and how to most effectively and efficiently meet those needs and goals for the case.
Glowing Client Reviews
“Atty. Joyce is great! She can discuss every aspect of annulment with her eyes closed. Having been in the practice for a long time, she can easily tell if the Judge and the court staff are helpful. She makes sure that there are no re-settings because she understands her clients’ needs very well. She puts her heart into every case. You should have seen her argue my case in court. I was awe-struck.”

“I didn’t think the annulment process was easy but DM Law did make it very easy for me. I was too scared of having to narrate my dark past in court but was surprised that it was not like in the movies. All thanks to the staff and lawyers of DM Law. They give updates without me asking for it. Atty. Joyce explained every detail of the procedure, and what to expect at each stage. Thank you and more power to DM Law!”

‘’I like that the lawyers of DM Law are accessible and responsive. They are very professional—never late and never absent for hearings. My husband, the respondent in my petition, was declared in default because the lawyers of DM Law saw every technicality in our favor. I can only hope that all lawyers are like that. Thank you DM Law. Much appreciated. “

“Apologies to the lawyers but I have not met one who is not after the money, except here at DM Law. Their willingness to help and their concern for the client is genuine. I was allowed payment terms which is convenient to my financial capacity. They do not charge by the hour and pad up bills. You can easily verify work results just by looking at your emails. I love the way they work.”